Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dio 4 President?

The friends of SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! know of our insatiable need for Dio related info on the internets. With that in mind Rodney P. Brady pointed out this lastFM group, Dio4President. The question is clearly what do we here at SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! think about such an idea?

There are many positives to the idea of Dio being a good president:
1. He hates witches.
2. He rocks. Hard.
3. He's got some kinda special vision powers.*

There's only really one negative that I can think of:
1. If he's busy being president, will he have time to rock?

See, there's the rub, as they say. Will we, the lover's of Dio, be denied his rocking? Is it fair to rob the free world of that awesomeness?

No. It's not. However, what you simple-minded sorts fail to realize is that those are trick questions! Dio can rock hard AND rule the free world! That is the greatness of Dio!

With that in mind, we here at SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! wholly support the nomination of Dio for president!**

*He can see rainbows in the dark!
**But, not that wannabe Dee Snider for VP!

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