Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who Else Likes Station Wagons?

Asked, and, now, answered! Here are actual still shots of Tony Soprano from this past week's episode about to embark on his trip to the Adirondacks! Many Bothans died to get me these pictures...
Anyway, here they are! And who could that be sitting in the passenger's seat, really excited to go upstate?That's right! It's supermegamonkey's own Rodney P. Brady! Ready to go on some hikes with Tony Soprano. In the woods. Where noone ever goes.

But, wait! That's not all! We were also able to get a shot of the station wagon from the back. You'll never guess who was in the back also eagerly anticipating this trip up north.

Damn right! Dio even rocks hard while in a station wagon!


Robin said...


are awesome.

Anonymous said...

i get so excited about going to the adirondacks i plain stick my head right through the windshield.

and yeah, we make dio sit in the trunk. he may rock (hard), but he whines a lot on long car trips.

Wanyas the Self-Proclaimed! said...

My awesomeness truly is awesome!

Remember, this was on TV. It only looks like your head's going through the windshield. It's lit so that the actors are clearly visible.