Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Comics We'd Like To See

We here at SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! are well aware of the powerful influence our opinions have on the world simply by being associated with the great one.* With that in mind, we choose to use our power for good and suggest ideas for comics that we'd like to read. So, here's the first.

The Adventures of Rick Jones,
Rick Jones: Sidekick!

Either title would work for us, or even something better. But, the idea's there.

Who is Rick Jones?

He was just a punk kid with dreams of being the next Dio** who strolled onto a gamma bomb testing site. Thanks to the quick reflexes of nerd extraordinaire Bruce Banner, Rick is saved! Bruce becomes the Hulk, though. Rick hangs out with the Hulk for a while. Then he goes on to become sidekick to nearly every marvel hero including Captain America, Rom, two Captain Marvels, and the whole God-Damned Avengers!*** He's a tv host, pretty good musician, maybe coulda played for Elf, and is married to a sometime lesbian hottie! Anyway, when written correctly (ok, when written by Peter David), he was a breezy guy with a seen it all attitude, because, well, he'd seen it all.

What would be the deal then?

It would basically be a team-up book where Rick Jones is in trouble or something, and has adventures throughout the Marvel Universe, with tons of different characters. I don't know, I'm not a writer, but this could work, dammit! Better than that last Captain Marvel series. (I liked it, but this would've been so much better). It was clear, to me, at least, that Peter David wanted to write a Rick Jones series, but there was no way to sell it. But, with each issue (or storyline) featuring a different hero (or villain!), it would sell itself (Ok not really). Anyway, I think it's a good idea!

Please, make this comic!

And just for all you ladies...
Notice where 'Comb-Over's' eyes are focusing

*Dio, you idiot!

**Fat chance!

***Ok, that's pretty much it, but, still, that's a lot!


Anonymous said...

I think Rick Jones was on his way to being the next Joan Baez moreso than Dio. But i like the idea. Have a plot synopsis of the first 6 issue arc on my desk by Monday morning. We think he should be sidekick to Wolverine for the first arc, then to Spider-Man, then back to Wolverine, then to Venom.

Robin said...

When does he get to be comb-over's sidekick?

Wanyas the Self-Proclaimed! said...

fnord12: Maybe originally he was gonna be the next Joan Baez or similar. But, I distinctly remember him trying to rock out in a David issue of the Hulk. Granted he was trying to be more Springsteen, and hitting, maybe, Huey Lewis? Regardless, every true muscian, in his/her heart of hearts, truly wishes to be like Dio. Also, your editorally directed mandates, have ruined my brilliant concept.

robin: One special night in June.