Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Just In Case, Or, Don't Be A Dick!

I'm gonna give credit where it's due. I didn't really come up with the name of this blog. It was the Mad Genius Robn Zebrowski, Who Will One Day Conquer Us All And Make Us Wear Blue Eyeshadow's* brilliant suggestion over here. Clearly, I will also have to steal this bit from my good friends' blog. Sorry, guys!

Oh, if RJ himself is reading this and doesn't like it,'s really about gods of ancient Japan!

You may also notice that the name of the blog and the url are different. Don't be a dick and steal the name for your url. I know it's really a cool name for a blog, but, c'mon, don't be a dick!

*official SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! title.

1 comment:

shawn said...

i have discovered your whereabouts, you cannot escape me that easily, waynas. mwa ha ha!