Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get To Know: FOS*

Here's a new feature that we know will become popular here at SUPERMEGADIO!!!!!, the 'Get To Know: FOS.' There will be other 'Get To Know's' as well as other 'Get To Know: FOS's' but this here's the first!** Who shall get the distinction of being the first such mini-bio? Why it's the only person with an official SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! title so far! That's right...

Mad Genius Robn Zebrowski, Who Will One Day Conquer Us All*** And Make Us Wear Blue Eyeshadow

Whose forehead is that? Find out in a future Get To Know: FOS!

I used to think that me and my friend's were smart. No, really! Smart, clever, erudite...the whole bit! Then I met Robn. Man, she's smart! Take a look at her blog. See what I mean? I have no idea what in sam hell she's talking about half the time!

Unfortunately, Robn's also really cool! Way cooler than Josh. Way, way cooler. I can't even begin to explain how out of the cool league Robn is for Josh. But, we'll get to him later. So, she's smart and cool. Rare, right? Well, it get's worse.

She's also plenty geeky! That's right, she loves sci-fi, comics, all that junk. So, let's summarize. She's Smart, cool, and geeky. Right, all you fanboy's are jealous that I have a friend like that!

Robn's also a member of a super secret spy organization (of which I am also a member), but I can't really talk about that. But, we do have cool codenames! Codenames, anyway.

Her and her other half moved to the other side of the country, so she could goto grad school and invent those killer robots to which to conquer us. This was a while back. We should all be conquered by now! Maybe she's not as smart as I thought!

I was gonna end on that, but I thought it was too cheesey of a 'call-back,' or, as I like to refer to it, 'reach-around.' Anyway, there's plenty more I could say about our future despot like how honored I was to be a part of her and Josh's wedding (ahem) or how girly she got while planning for said wedding, but that would just be filler, not killer!

*Friend of SUPERMEGADIO!!!!!

**Collector's Item!

***With robots! (This should be a part of the official title, but I blew it! It's too late! Confoundit!)


Wanyas the Self-Proclaimed! said...

Sorry, I had some formatting issues and published this post with errors. It's solid now!

Unknown said...

like a rock?

Robin said...

I am officially honored to have a post about me include the label "dio."

Wanyas the Self-Proclaimed! said...

Joshua: that's a good attempt to get your coolness factor up to your better half's level with a joke that includes a reference to rockin' (sort of). You keep that up and you just might get there.

and Robin, so you're aware, this is the second post whose tags include both 'Dio' and 'Robn.'