Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Black Sabbath's Golden Era!

A week from today, those record company bigwigs will finally address the most overlooked era in any band's history! That's right. April 2, out comes the best of Black Sabbath: The DIO Years! Some may scoff and say that this is an era best forgotten, but they'd be idiots! Some may say that Ozzy beats Dio, but they'd be morons! Some may say that a greatest hits of this era would be redundant, just sell the albums, and they'd be right! Each song a masterpiece, Dio infuses Black Sabbath with his greatness at every turn! In celebration of this event, Dio will be touring this summer with the band. Finally, Black Sabbath gets a singer who can still sing and remembers all the words!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could you honestly tell when ozzy was getting the lyrics right and when he wasn't?