Thursday, March 15, 2007

What To Talk About Next?

We here at SUPERMEGADIO!!!!! often feel we owe it to our audience to maintain a high level of quality in each post.* Sometimes, however, it is difficult to even think of a post each day.** We have a back log of post's that are just itchin' to be written! With that (and our love of democracy) in mind, we leave it to you to decide what the next subject should be: the old TV show Fifteen or a comic book review. We also apparently need to do a head-to-head challenge with Kenny Rogers now, though this can wait 'til next week. One a week is unfair to all these poor schmoes that Shawn seems to like!*** We could also do another Get To Know! You decide!

*Just like Dio!
**This one counts!
***Just curious, is there insanity in your family?


shawn said...

Kenny Rogers needs to get into shape with some tasty chicken.

shawn said...

insanity? no, but my mom did subsist entirely on a diet of tuna fish sandwiches when she was pregnant with me. this might explain something...

Wanyas the Self-Proclaimed! said...

Must be a lot of mercury in your system!